1.main.exe not found
Mr.Lockfield Management Tuesday at 05:40 PM2 days Management @cux3 This occurs because you system protection will be delete the main.exeAdd the folder game on exclusion on your system protection, and reinstall.
cux3 Members Tuesday at 05:55 PM2 days Done, now the game shows up with squares instead of letters :( failed to read serverinfo.bmd file error just before starting the game
Mr.Lockfield Management Tuesday at 06:04 PM2 days Management 7 minutes ago, cux3 said:Done, now the game shows up with squares instead of letters :( failed to read serverinfo.bmd file error just before starting the gameYou need install font available on : Game\Fonts\After install the problem with text displayed will be solved.ServerInfo.bmd (Error)We are already aware of the problem, the issue will be resolved in the next update.This error does not interfere with anything, it just does not load the Dashboard correctly.
Mr.Lockfield Management Tuesday at 06:26 PM2 days Management 2 minutes ago, cux3 said:isoooooo problema resuelto papa :DFico em ajuda-lo, agradecemos por relatar como problema, irei idealizar um novo guia para solução deste problema !Mais o status do seu report permanecerá como (Não é um bug).
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