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New map Added:


  1. The entry level is 1500, and the hunting penalty level is 1550.

  2. You can move by consuming 50,000 zen through the movement command window.

  3. It can be accessed through the entrance located at Karutan 1 (210, 18).

  4. You can use Helper Plus to move to the hunting ground (main/sub-main) of the desired element.

  5. There is a safe zone on the map, when entering the hunting ground, dying or reconnecting, you will be moved to a safe zone.

  6. Cardamahal Underground Temple is an elemental hunting ground, where monsters with elements appear.

  7. Monsters have excellent damage probability resistance, critical damage probability resistance, damage absorption, It has a debuff probability resistance value.

Main drops items

  1. Lightning Chaos Combination Talisman Fragment.

Cardamahal Underground Temple monsters



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