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Awesome! Is this site specifically for that Korean Game, or are other games going to be included, let's say Horizon, or... Um... Minecraft, I don't know I am just trying to sound cool... Like I know g
This forum is only related to our project/game (private)! https://lightningmu.net/home/ This is the project website, where players register their accounts, download the game and everything else. What
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It's great to see you here. So it's a very common RPG game from Korea. The link isn't actually broken, it's just that I haven't had time to finish the suggestion tracker the way I really want. But I l
This forum is only related to our project/game (private)! https://lightningmu.net/home/ This is the project website, where players register their accounts, download the game and everything else. What
One thing I noticed to leave feedback; I thought I would click on the little link in the description as I circled in the picture I copy and pasted into this message, and the link is broken. Nothing major, just a blurb in the cosmos.
Next, as I was looking around, maybe because I am old, maybe because I am not in too much gaming, but I am finding it hard to know what this is all about. I read the messages, I see what is being said, but I do not know what or where this applies to anything I am familiar with. Is there a place that I can read up on what this platform is discussing?
Now, let's see how I do in Portuguese...
Antes de tudo, deixe-me dizer que isso está muito bem organizado, é divertido de ver e fácil de se perder na tradução (sem trocadilhos). Em primeiro lugar, devo dizer que o meu português é extremamente... Bem, inexistente. Metade do tempo, meu inglês provavelmente nem deveria ser minha primeira língua. Ok, chega do caos da minha vida.
Uma coisa que notei e gostaria de deixar como feedback: pensei em clicar no pequeno link na descrição, como destaquei na imagem que copiei e colei nesta mensagem, e o link está quebrado. Nada de mais, apenas um detalhe no cosmos.
Em seguida, enquanto eu explorava, talvez por ser mais velha, talvez por não estar muito envolvida com jogos, estou achando difícil entender do que se trata tudo isso. Li as mensagens, vejo o que está sendo dito, mas não sei o que é ou onde isso se aplica a algo com o qual estou familiarizada. Existe algum lugar onde eu possa ler mais sobre o que está sendo discutido nesta plataforma?
WOW!!! I just realized I have no idea what that says... But it looks good with all of the red squirrely underlines.
I think your Forum is telling me I misspelled something:

ChatGPT is... Well, I don't know whoever speaks/reads this will have to let me know 🤣